Friday, July 19, 2013


We had a nice picnic at Duck Trap.  Some of us needed cooling down more than others but we all had a great time.  I didn't put any hot sauce in Charlie's wrap because he has more than enough pitta to deal with right now. 
We'd been all packed up with the boat to head to the lake but there was a storm showing up on the radar over Augusta so no boat trip -- Charlie decided at the last minute.  
Duck Trap is great, plus the water is colder and salted.  I prefer salt.
Whenever I'm there, especially when no one else is around, I feel like I'm in a Robert McCloskey story.  Just where I belong.
Sunny is still at camp so it was just the four of us.  We all swam a lot, then Fiona and Sam made up games where they had to swim carrying big rocks to a certain point, skip rocks, and do a lot of other things with rocks.  Luckily there is no shortage of rocks.

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