Wednesday, July 10, 2013


Fiona and Sunny had dinner at Finn's house.  This was a first.  I live downtown so kids often end up here.  His parents wanted to have Fiona over since Finn has eaten here often and generally hangs out here.
The kids bounced on the trampoline (something you can have when you don't live downtown) and played ... I mean, hung out.
When it was time for dinner they went in and sat down.  Fiona and Sunny have just come off of a week at the cape -- mostly going from one big family party to the next where you gather your food on a plate and then find somewhere to sit to eat -- preferably away from a heated argument about the teenage girls' workplace or whether or not one should give beer to a dog.  So they filled their plates and sat down and Fiona immediately took a bite of her meatball.  Sunny elbowed her and whispered, "I think they've got something going on here...."  Sunny is usually more aware of her surroundings than Fiona.  
Quickly, Fiona wiped her fork off and as she described to me when she got home, turned her meatball so the bite-part wouldn't show.
Finn's family sat down and said that they like to begin each meal by holding hands and going around the table saying what they are thankful for.  (I'm thankful that my sisters and various other relatives helped me to understand using loud voices that I behaved like an ignorant redneck when I gave my dog a beer. That's what Mark could have said last week.)  Anyway, Sunny said she was thankful for the people who love her and Fiona said she was thankful for Finn's cat.  That's my girl!

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