Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Paint and Flowers

The house was painted while we were away at the cape.  Last night I was informed by my neighbors that they didn't enjoy the sound of ladders.  Oh well, what can you do?  I haven't minded the sound of their dog using my driveway as a bathroom for the last 10 years but that is not the point.  Smile and move on.
I tidied up the gardens today.
Fiona and Sunny were invited for dinner and a movie at Finn's house tonight.  
I found a Taza chocolate bar in the car today after about 3 hours of doing errands.  It felt like a miracle.
I had a dream last night that I was going to go running with Brenda, who is a marathon runner.  I have never been a long distance runner, or even a short distance runner.  I run if I have to get off of hot sand quickly or if someone is chasing me.  But in the dream I thought that I should just relax and have fun.  We started running and I immediately felt like I needed to perform, to run quickly -- but within moments I relaxed and ran just for the fun of it.  We ran and ran and I didn't feel anything but comfort and happiness.  Then we turned to come back, crossed paths, traded sides and ran some more.  I asked her if she minded switching sides.  It was all very easy and I woke up happy, as I usually do.  Only rarely do I have a stressful dream, but I used to all the time when I was younger.  Charlie still does.  He'll spend the night having to play hockey against an entire team alone, AND have to repair the arena.  He'll wake up stressed and feeling like he has worked all

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