Friday, July 5, 2013

Brenda's Party and Ice

Aunt Marge told Charlie and Brenda to get some ice water for me.  Brenda found a brownie tin and filled it with water and ice for my burned toes.  I sat outside and talked to Kate (Brenda's wife) and big Joe (Charlie's dad) while I sat with my feet in the brownie tin.  Charlie's brother Joe told me about getting third degree burns on his feet in Mexico years ago when he was chasing a guy who had just stolen his camera.  Joe ended up in the hospital -- so, I'm doing pretty well.
All the siblings sang songs and performed for their parents.  The night was a success.
And when we came home we watched fire works from the second floor deck.
(All six of the siblings were at the party last night and I took pictures of everyone.)

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