Saturday, July 13, 2013

black beans

I'm peeling like crazy.  So is Sam.
Mom and I went out to the farm yesterday, got chard, broccoli, radishes, summer squash and zucchini, pea shoots, parsley plus we picked a bunch of strawberries.  On the way home I picked flowers in various places -- E. Fork and Harden Avenue -- to make a flower arrangement for our dinner with Brenda.  On our way back into town we saw our friend Sharon collapsed in a heap half way in and half way out of the road.  I thought she'd been hit by a car or else had a heart attack.  She was clutching a pizza box.  
It turned out that she had fallen off the curb when she'd turned to wave at a truck that was trying to park illegally.  She hit the side of her face very hard and when we got to her it was already swelling badly and turning purple.  We got her home, and got a bag of frozen peas on her face.  My mom had known it was Sharon right away because she recognized her green fanny pack.  Sharon was the first friend my mom made here in Maine when we arrived in 1975.  After we got the frozen peas on her face and made sure her head felt okay we walked outside to see the new garage.  Behind the garage, the woods look just like they did almost 40 years ago.
I soaked, rinsed, soaked, rinsed the black beans for two days before I pressure cooked them last night.  Dinner was great.
Lots of fresh veggies and the black beans and rice.  

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