Monday, July 1, 2013

packed up for the cape

We're ready to go.  PFDs, tennis gear, boogie boards, skateboards for the park in Wellfleet, all of my spices and spirulina and raw cacao business that I won't want to go hunting for all the way in Provincetown, everything -- it's all packed up.  Plus, I don't think I have mentioned, we are armed with all kinds of asthma medicine because Fiona has, all of a sudden in the last week, reverted back to the old days of coughing incessantly.  
NO, it is not like the old days.  A doctor-friend reminded me of that today.  She will not be sick like she used to be.
The air in Eastham will be good for her.
She will get over this spell of coughing quickly.
We stayed up late last night.  She slept with me because sometimes that is the easiest thing to do so that I can hear her breathing and know when to help her. 
We enjoyed our little late night party, chatting about dreams we've had recently, funny things True said and did yesterday like when he was standing waist deep in the water and then shrieked a high pitched girl's shriek, exclaiming that he just got water in his shoe.
And then at midnight we decided we needed some snacks and I decided I needed a little walk in the fresh air.  And then we went to bed and I decided that the trip to the cape would be fine.

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