Wednesday, October 16, 2013

more of the cape

                        There are two seals visible out there.  Great Whites in the water too.

This is exactly where Thoreau went walking.
Rock Harbor

 I walked where Thoreau walked, although not all the way to Provincetown.  I saw many large gray seals fishing and riding the waves close to shore.  Great White Sharks feed in those waters.  I saw a dorsal fin rise above the surface of the water a couple of times, but it may have been a minke whale.
I love the water and the sand ... and the sky.
I finished Cape Cod by Thoreau and bought Land's End: A Walk in Provincetown by Michael Cunningham when I was in a little book shop in P-town.  I also sat by the water and drew pictures of people eating and of debris on the beach while Charlie drank pints of beer.
At night you can hear coyotes; they sound like children screaming.  I saw a fox late one night, red like the leaves.  Brenda took me to a shop that sold antique dip pens but they were very expensive (and broken), but the shop was beautiful, with all kinds of papers, pens and sketchbooks.  Most of the time we went walking with groups of people or else visited with family.  It was busy, as usual, but with all the things I love best: water, woods, birds, drawing, reading, family, laughing and stories.

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