Sunday, February 2, 2014

Ideal Reader, an initial thought

Write with an ideal reader in mind.  That's what Stephen King says.  I read the comments from my group about the This I Believe piece.  It's funny to have a group whom I've never met.  I think things are going well, but I have to get to know people a little bit.  I'm back in the rabbit hole from Alice In Wonderland, not so sure of my footing sometimes.  Digital land.
I dreamed that I was growing plants out of my head in addition to my hair ... or maybe instead of my hair; there were white blossoms in clumps here and there.  It got heavy after a while, although it looked very pretty.  I also dreamed I was giving Steve Jobs computer advice. 
I seem to have people reading this blog ... and the one I'm trying to set up on Tumblr for my multi-genre piece.  I clicked on my email this morning and saw that someone had commented about what I'd posted, she liked something ... I can't remember now and I'm not going back to look.  I clicked on the name of the person who decided to follow me and YIKES!  It was not at all what I was expecting to see.  Apparently I don't have any filters on my computer.  This is one of my concerns in having students start blogs.  At school, I think all the filters are in place on the iPads, but what about at home?  Clearly, my home is not blocking the filth.  I need to get some help with that.  You never know what an innocent Google search will turn up.  I'll get Josh (Fiona's dad)  to help me when he visits later this month. 
But my ideal reader is not the lady with the fake boobs.
I think it's maybe a combination of a few teachers who have become my friends, and the boys who used to go on skiff rides with me, gunkholing.  And Maira Kalman whom I've never met, but I love her nonetheless.

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