Tuesday, November 19, 2013

yoga nidra

I'm back from the Yoga Nidra training.  Back into the full swing of things at school. 
Here is a drawing Fiona did when she was little.  Now she draws gangsters.  And Egyptians. 
She told me that her religion is science a few days ago. 
I have been loaned a pile of books by one of my teachers to study during the winter months.  I have the Bhagavad Gita in Sanskrit (with a translation) to study.  I am also learning it in Sanskrit from an audio recording which I play even while I sleep.  Yesterday I slipped into the yogi/Indian accent briefly at school when I was working with a student.  Ha!  I just did it ... and it worked.  The boy stopped slouching and became alert and disciplined.  He finished his asana and pranayama and went straight for the math full force.

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