Monday, November 4, 2013

game night

The Amarcord/potluck party was a lot of fun.  Everyone loved the film and we had a ton of food.  Brendan brought his own arm chair.  Ty couldn't make it because he was out fishing.  Friday was so stormy he couldn't go out but Saturday was flat and mild.  Phoebe came and brought kale salad that smelled like sour kraut.  I think she must have 8 miles of kale left in her garden.  We ate outside since it was so mild.  I met Rob's new girlfriend who is very tall; I used her in the kitchen as my top shelf assistant.  Donny laughed a lot and loved the movie.  His old dog died last month and he's lonely for him.  All the kids did dance move-gymnastics on Fiona's bed and were so sore the next day they could hardly move, except Sunny, who got 1st place in her backstroke event Sunday morning.
The girls helped me rake the yard on Sunday, we all ate left-overs and in the evening my parents came over for game night.
Next week I go for a 4 day yoga nidra workshop.  I guess this is the beginning of my 500 hour yoga teacher certification.  I think I need about 3,000 hours.

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