Monday, June 17, 2013

Clementine Hunter

This is a painting by Clementine Hunter named: Hunting For Blackbirds.  I'm getting a book about her life.  My heart is palpitating just thinking about these paintings.  I read in 
The New York Times that she started painting in her 50s.  My brain feels like it's on fire when I read things like that... and when I see paintings like this one.  
Words are a chore for me sometimes -- to say what I mean.  I say something and then everything changes.  The words aren't right anymore --I've changed my mind, the world has changed, something essential has vanished -- you name it.
Clementine didn't want to go to school.  She picked cotton and as far as I know she was illiterate.  (I will have more to say once I read the book about her life.)  She said that painting is harder than picking cotton.  I know this is true and I have never picked any cotton.
I will go and draw now ... and try to make the words a little more like paintings.

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